Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Japan During The Meiji Period - 1271 Words

From the early to mid 1800s, the United States expanded rapidly. With this expansion, the United States sought out new areas for trade commerce. With Britain and other countries heavily involved in China, the U.S. searched for another of trade within the region. President Millard Fillmore dispatched Commodore Matthew C. Perry with a letter demanding Japan to open their ports for commerce. Upon the first arrival, Americans were great with a completely new experience for people. Some people considered found the Japanese’s culture to be repulsive while others were very fascinated. This paper discusses the experiences of two Americans who visited Japan during the Meiji Period compared to initial experiences. There were numerous reasons why the United States had an interest in forming diplomatic relations with Japan. The opening of China’s ports for commerce along with the new acquisition of a California made the United States want to expand its influence in the world. One of the most abundant resources needed was coal. With steam ships replacing sailing ships, the United States had to establish a coaling station for refuel. With the heavy influence of the British over in China, Japan made for the perfect geographic location. America was involved in whaling for their oil. Prior to Commodore’s Expedition to Japan, there were preconceptions of the type of people they were. American sailors left stranded on the island of Japan were typically imprisoned. This inhumane treatmentShow MoreRelatedModernization of Japan: The Meiji Restoration Essay638 Words   |  3 PagesThe Meiji Restoration played a significant role in the modernisation of Japan. The Meiji period was a time of political and social revolution. It brought momentous social, political and economic changes to Japan, and these changes became the foundation of the Japan we know today. 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