Friday, December 27, 2019

Create the value Free Essay Example, 2500 words

The degree to which customer perceive a new product or service as superior to similar existing products determines the relative advantage. A product or a service that provides an advantage over an already product offering is said to be greater than the existing market alternatives. Thus, the product is said to be great in terms of value as compared to other market products. b) Compatibility: The compatibility of the inventive product and service offering with the current backgrounds, behavior and routine patterns of consumers also affects its acceptance by the public. A product’s or service’s compatibility measures how closely it relates to needs, value systems and norms, lifestyles, culture, etc. when the levels of compatibility are high rate diffusion is going to be high. Is going to be; and likewise lower the compatibility, the lower the diffusion rate. c) Complexity The levels of complexity in a commodity, buying and usage affect the rate diffusion process of the product. An established innovative of a product is quickly diffused when there exist an ease of understanding, buying and usage of a product. We will write a custom essay sample on Create the value or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now When it is easier to understand the usage a commodity, the more likely It’s going to be accepted and liked by consumers. However, it’s of paramount importance to note that technological complexity is a barrier to the diffusion process. Users tend to resist adoption of new products and innovation in the market because of fear of complexity in the purchase and consequent usage of the new product. High technological firms easily understand this d) Trialability: This is the ease with which the service or a product can be tried and tested. This aspect critically determines the rate of acceptance of a new product. When the degree of trialability is considerably high, the rate of the diffusion process is also high. This simply because it gives chances to  try the product or a service. Evaluation is then done it on whether r to accept or reject the product. Trialability can be encouraged by providing free samples, or providing smaller packs and smaller-than-average sizes. e) Observability of a product This is the ease with which the a product commodity is observed. Observability aspect of the innovative product refers to the rate in which a product beneficial attributes can be imagined, seen as well as perceived by a willing consumer. A product that possess a high degree of observability has greater the chances of the innovativeness. There certain attributes that adversely affect diffusion rate of innovation and subsequently the adoption.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

2. Discuss Both the Negative and Positive Outcomes of...

Slavery ended in 1838. One of the biggest negatives of such a system was racism which was found in every Caribbean society. British officials believed that people of Africans descent were inferior and what was worse perhaps these racist attitudes were after internalized by Black and Brown people that is some Africans themselves became convinced that they were inferior to Europeans. With Emancipation in 1838 slaves became free to choose the nature of their future existence. A fundamental development during the post- emancipation period was the exodus of ex slaves from the estates mostly to set themselves up as peasant proprietors. The movement created a labor shortage which threatened the imminent collapse of the sugar industry.†¦show more content†¦The root of the problem lay in India, where women were not emancipated because of the religious and social systems. The proportion of Indian women imported was only 3 per 100 men before the mid 1840’s 32 per 100 by 1870 and a legal minimum of 40 per 100 thereafter. Up to 1870 immigrants had to had been denied the chance to lead normal family lives. In cases where Indian immigrants were married their wives were sometimes taken away to be the mistress of the plantation owners as in the days of slavery. Immigrants were also subject to arbitrary treatment by their employers . This sometimes involved flogging and imprisonment and the immigrant dared not complain. From 1906 to 1907 nearly 40 % of the immigrant laborers in Guyana received summons for breach of the labor laws. Between 1838 and the 1930’s wealth was mainly in the hands of very small groups in society . Nearly all of it belonged to the white upper class though by the 1930’s a significant number of colored or black or Indian businessmen and farmers had acquired money and property. As planters and businessmen whites continued to be the major group of employers in the Caribbean. The worst white employers tre ated their workers with contempt but the better ones showed concern for their laborers’ welfare. For ordinary people life was always a hard struggle. Between 1838 till 1920’s the majority of the people worked for the plantations. Either as full time workers or as casual ,

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Resource Management Developing Sustainable Business Organizations

Question: Discuss about the Resource Management for Developing Sustainable Business Organizations. Answer: Introduction International Human Resource Management (HRM) refers to the set of human resource activities that manage the human resources at national and international level. The International HRM refers to the typical HRM functions such as recruitment, selection, training and development, performance appraisal and termination of employees conducted at an international level. Along with it, the international HRM also pertains to the activities such as global skill management, training and cross cultural issues (Harzing Pinnington, 2014). In multinational companies, there are three kind of employees, home country employees which refer to the employees belonging to the home country where the corporate headquarter of the firm is situated, host country employees which refers to the employees belonging to the nation where the subsidiary is situated and third country employees which refers to the employees who are not from the host or the home country but from any other country. The International Huma n Resource Manager integrates HR Policies and practices in different subsidiaries so that the organization can achieve its goals (Truss, Mankin Kelliher, 2012). Moreover, the International Human Resource Manager is responsible to increase the flexibility in the organizations policies so that it can accommodate the cultural differences in different countries (Nkomo, Fottler McAfee, 2010). In the present report, the employee relation issues in international HRM have been explored. Toyota is leading car Manufacturer Company. The HR Manager of the organization is transferred from its subsidiary in Australia to the USA. While moving from Australia to the USA, the manager will face several issues due to differences in economy and employment policies of both countries. In the present report, all the human resource issues faced by the organization have been discussed. Impact of Presidency Change on Economy and Business in the US Operations in international environment can be challenging for the business organizations. The companies have to adapt the policies and business operations according to the local laws and infrastructure. The presidential elections of the United States of America have been the most spectacular event of 2017 and the selection of Donald Trump as the new US President will have several long term impacts on the country. The new government has made several laws such as increasing the tariff on the goods, immigration ban and opting out of Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Deal in the USA (Garcia, 2017). The investors and business organizations are happy with the presidential rule due to the low corporate taxes, less regulation, lower taxes on the interest and dividend of the organizations. However, the introduction of border taxes at a very high rate has created significant challenges for the human resource management of the organization. The border tax will hike the prices of the automobile s ignificantly (Lippert, 2017). Trump government has also warned Toyota for establishing car manufacturing facility in Mexico. The companies will no longer be able to manufacture the cars in Mexico at cheaper rates and sell them in the USA at higher prices. In the USA, the country has also banned immigration which will reduce the amount of available labor for the organization (Roberts Dason, 2017). One of the major responsibilities of the HR manager is to assure that the organization adheres by the employment laws and regulations (Condrey, 2010). It is a vital component of the HR managers responsibilities. Ensuring legal compliance with the labor and the tax laws is important for the continued existence of the organization. With the changes in the laws, the new HR manager will find it challenging to implement laws. The government constantly makes new regulations regarding the working hours of employees, tax allowances, break times, minimum wage and policies on discrimination (Cohen, 2010). The Trump government has made some radical changes in minimum wages, taxes and discrimination policies. The strategies of the government will require the HR manager to examine the changes required in the operations of the organization and implement them. In the recent development, Donald Trump has issued a threat against Toyota Motor Corp for building a new plant in Mexico. The president-elect warned the automobile manufacturer that it they will carry out the plans, they will face large border tax. Donald Trump made the threat as he was concerned that the new plant will take away the employment of the US citizens. If the company would have been able to outsource labor from Mexico, it would have been benefitted from the relative cheap labor of the country. Duties of International HR Manager The International HR Manager is liable to effectively manage the human resources in the companies which are working globally. They require having a deep understanding of different cultures and the ability to respond quickly. The basic functions of the human resource professionals are to handle activities such as recruitment, interviewing, hiring, training and development of the employees so that the business organization achieves its goals (Harzing Pinninton, 2014). The Human Resource Manager is also responsible to develop policies so that productive and safe workplace environment can be created. In global environment, it is essential to motivate and encourage employees to work collaboratively disregarding their cultural differences. One of the major functions of human resource professionals is to provide training to the human resources to ensure a productive environment is established in the organization (Collings, Wood Caligiuri, 2014). Training ensures that the employees have th e skills and the knowledge to accomplish the job tasks. The human resource manager makes arrangement for the training of the employees so that they are better skilled to perform their functions. Training also ensures that the companies abide by the government regulations as it increases the employee knowledge. In the international environment, the profile of human resource professionals is becoming more generalist (de Juana-Espinosa, 2011). In the present, the involvement of the human resource professionals with the internal operations of the organization is reducing and they are more concerned about collaboration and productivity of the organization as a whole. Today, the human resource professionals are concerned about increasing the competitive advantage, economic survival and the profitability of the organization. In this regard, the human resource professionals perform several actions such as hiring employees, managing benefits and handling disciplinary actions toward the emplo yees. They are also responsible to handle the health care cost, reducing the employee attrition and participating in the community (Chalofsky, 2014). They also work with managers in collaboration with the operations manager in the recruitment of new personnel. In international settings, the HR manager has to work in collaboration with the operations manager to recruit appropriate candidate and later in his performance evaluation. The international human resource manager has another challenging responsibility to build international teams and support their collaboration. They have to take appropriate measures to ensure that diverse teams work together. The human resource professionals adopt several strategies such as conducting team-building workshops, assisting in collaboration of the culturally-diverse people and employee engagement and motivation methods to achieve the strategic goals of the organization (Ehnert, Harry Zink, 2013). HR Implications of the Presidency Change in Automobile Industry The financial capital and wages are also significant in the outsourcing decision of the country. The outsourcing is used to save costs and increase the economic benefits to the organization. The countries like China and Mexico, whose economy is dependent upon the outsourcing activities have developed flexible policies to encourage the foreign companies to invest. The Human resource department of the organization gets benefitted by the highly productive workforce, cheap labor cost and flexible trade policies (Grisham, 2011). Outsourcing is also beneficial for the organization as it can enhance the core competence of the organization and result in new economic growth of the company (TingTing, 2014). With the introduction of the current policy, either the firm has to shift its manufacturing plant in the USA or face high border charges. With the development of plant in the USA, the employer-employee relations will get affected. The employment relationship can be defined as the legal link between employer and the employees. The employment relations are formed when a person works or provide services in the workplace in return of pre-determined remuneration. With the employment relationship; reciprocal rights and obligations are established between the employer and the employees. The employee relation is the main tool through which workers can gain access to the rights and benefits associated with the employment laws and social security of the country. It determines the nature and the extent of employers rights and obligations towards their workers. Moreover, as the employer and the employee work in close proximity, they develop professional relationships with each other. The management of the employment relationship is important for an organization as it is correlated with the happiness and the productivity of the emp loyees. The employer-employee relationship is mutually reliant as the employer is dependent upon the employee to perform his duties whereas employee is dependent upon the organization to support him financially. In Australia, there is national workplace relations system which defines the terms and conditions of employment and workplace right and responsibilities. Accordingly, in Australia, Toyota has implemented a number of programs which align with the workplace policies of the government. Toyota provides paid parental leaves of eighteen weeks for eligible working parents. It is at the rate of National Minimum Wage. According to the Australian laws, both the employers and the employees are responsible for maintaining health and safety at the workplace. In Australian employment laws, safety is given high priority. The law states that the employer is responsible to prevent workplace hazards and injury. As such, the employer must make adequate provisions so that the workplace hazards and injuries can be prevented. In addition to it, the Australian law also state that the employer must have insurance for the employees so that he can be provided facilities in case of serious workplace injuries ( Safe Work Australia, 2017). The Australian government has also made provisions for the unfair dismissal of the employees. However, the economy of the USA has always been capitalist and focused on profit maximization of the business organizations. There are certain employment laws related to minimum wage and unfair dismissal of the employees. However, with the outsourcing and migration of the foreign workers, the US citizens are increasingly becoming concerned about their jobs and retirements. The success of Donald Trump was heavily dependent upon the appeal to the working class who has observed their incomes stagnate and jobs moved offshore. The labor and the employment relations can change radically due to the changes in trade, energy and government regulations. President Trump has reshaped the National Labor Relations board (NLRB) by introducing a number of changes in the employment. The new government has introduced a number of reforms to increase the number of jobs in the USA. He is also focusing on deporting immigrants to open the lay wages jobs that they are holding. The companies will also find it difficult to hire the foreign workers. The minimum wage policy has also been changed to reduce the number of immigrants in the country. The county is planning to hike the minimum wage by 20% so that the companies could not hire the foreign workers at low wages (Dishman, 2016). It could be critiqued that Toyota HR Manager needs to revise the minimum wage policy fin thee organization. If the company initiates the manufacturing facility in the USA, it has to revise the wage policy according to the new regulations. The new policy is focused on reducing the number of migrant workers in the USA. The new policy may create cultural issues and hostility between the different workers. The HR manager needs to implement policies so that cordial relations can be maintained between different workers and they can work collaboratively. Moreover, with the introduction of the new policy, the attrition rate of the organization will increase. The HR manager will need to implement new policies to control the voluntarily turnover. The HR manager will need to counsel the employees that the organization will support them and their employment with the organization as they are valuable resources of the organization (Chalofsky, 2014). The HR manager also needs to initiate training and development practices so that the new employees in the organization get familiar with the organizations practices. As the new policies will increase the attrition rate of the employees, the organization needs to develop induction program for the new employees. In order to create a positive environment in the organization, the company needs to develop new induction programs for the employees. The induction programs must focus on increasing the harmony among employees from different geographical locations (Condrey,2010). With the new policy changes, the organization needs to recruit a large number of candidates. These candidates will require training and development. In several positions, the company needs to recruit new candidates in spite the demand of experience in the similar position. In this regard, it can be evaluated that the organization needs to implement comprehensive and all-inclusive training activities. The HR manager will be responsible for all the activities of the organization (Chalofsky, 2014). With the changes in the wage policies and focus on local recruitment, the expenditure on the human resource activities will increase drastically. Moreover, the organization may face talent shortage wherein the HR Manager may need to transfer the USA citizens working in foreign subsidiaries of the company. It is the responsibility of the HR manager to report the expenses in the HR activities to the headquarters of the organization (Condrey, 2010). Conclusion It can be concluded that international HRM is a subdivision of the Human resources activities. The International HR manager has to oversee the human resources activities locally and internationally. With thee change in the government in the United States, there will be some radical changes in the employment policies and the employment relations in the USA. The Trump government has increased the border taxes and minimum wage policy which will increase the expenditure of the organization in the human resource activities. The Trump government has warned Toyota to start manufacturing plant in Mexico as it will increase the border tax on the border which will eventually increase the price of the motor vehicles. Moreover, it has also initiated number of policies to reduce the number of migrant workers in the USA. It includes creating a hike in the minimum wages which will reduce the attraction towards the foreign or migrant workers. In this regard, the HR manager of Toyota will face severa l issues. The HR manager has to implement policies so that the new laws and regulations can be implemented smoothly. Moreover, the organization also needs to introduce policies to control the attrition rate and provide training and development to new employees. References Chalofsky, N.F. (2014). Handbook of Human Resource Development. London: John Wiley Sons. Cohen, E. (2010). CSR for HR: A Necessary Partnership for Advancing Responsible Business Practices. Greenleaf Publishing. Collings, D., Wood, G.T., Caligiuri, P.M. (2014). The Routledge Companion to International Human Resource Management. Routledge. Condrey, S.E. (2010). Handbook of Human Resource Management in Government. John Wiley Sons. de Juana-Espinosa, S. (2011). Human Resource Management in the Digital Economy: Creating Synergy between Competency Models and Information: Creating Synergy between Competency Models and Information. IGI Global. Dishman, L. (2016). Heres How Labor And Employment Might Change Under Trump. Fast Company. Retrieved 6 May 2017 from Ehnert, I., Harry, W., Zink, K.J. (2013). Sustainability and Human Resource Management: Developing Sustainable Business Organizations. Springer Science Business Media. Garcia, F. (2017). Donald Trump threatens Toyota over 'plan to build new plant' in Mexico. Independent UK. Retrieved 6 May 2017 from Grisham, T.W. (2011). International Project Management: Leadership in Complex Environments. John Wiley Sons. Harzing, A., Pinnington, A. (2014). International Human Resource Management. SAGE. Harzing, A., Pinninton, A. (2014). International Human Resource Management. SAGE. Lippert, J. (2017). Trump Takes Credit for Planned $1.33 Billion Toyota Spending. Bloomberg. Retrieved 6 May 2017 from Nkomo, S.M., Fottler, M.D., McAfee, B. (2010). Human Resource Management Applications: Cases, Exercises, Incidents, and Skill Builders. Cengage Learning. Roberts, A., Dason, C. (2017). Trump Says No Way to Toyota Plant in Mexico. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 6 May 2017 from Safe Work Australia. (2017). What Your Boss Must do. Retrieved 6 May 2017 from Tingting, W. (2014). An Empirical Study of the Economic Effects of Outsourcing-----Based on China's Economic Development Data. International Journal of Business and Social Science 5(11), 210-216. Truss, C., Mankin, D., Kelliher, C. (2012). Strategic Human Resource Management. OUP Oxford.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The American Forests

Nowadays the condition of the American forests along with the forests in the world is greatly affected by the global environmental problems. Two approaches to the issue of environmental protection of forests will be examined in the following paper, the approach described in the article â€Å"The American Forests† by John Muir and in the article â€Å"Save the Trees† by Jeff Tollefson. Generally, these two conceptions can be seen as quite similar with some insignificant differences.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The American Forests specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A closer look at the contents of the articles suggests that Tollefson has a tendency to address the official audience having the authority to change the situation in the environmental protection, whereas Muir seems to appeal to every human; Tollefson’s argument rests mainly on political and economical factors related to the proble m, whereas Muir addressed common sense of every particular human; and finally, being written one hundred years later than the article by Muir Tollefson’s article has a different approach to the financial matters related to the issues of forest protection. The global aspects are considered in Tollefson’s article with the reference to different international agreements as the problem has become the global one, while Muir’s aricle is more about the USA. Within this vast field of research, two important articles discussing the issue of environmental protection of forests present a row of important facts which can be well-applied to understand the matter in a broader way. In his article â€Å"The American Forests†, John Muir discusses the beauty of the American forests along with their being easy targets for unwise people destroying them for their egoistical purposes. He explains that â€Å"any fool can destroy trees† as â€Å"they cannot run away† (Muir, 2006, p. 364). He expresses his worries concerning the egoistical nature of humans that may only think about their immediate benefits, and would not even try to reason about the consequences of their actions. According to him, â€Å"few that fell trees plant them; nor would planting avail much towards getting back anything like the noble primeval forests† (Muir, 2006, p. 364). He also expresses his concerns over the time necessary for renewing the trees which were destroyed by people corrupted by their acquisitiveness. â€Å"It took more than three thousand years to make some of the trees in these Western woods,—trees that are still standing in perfect strength and beauty, waving and singing in the mighty forests of the Sierra†, explains the author (Muir, 2006, p. 364). Similar issues are explored in the article â€Å"Save The Trees† by Jeff Tollefson. In his article, the author raises a row of important questions mainly related to the environme ntal problems which appeared to be very serious nowadays. According to Tollefson, â€Å"the climatic implications of deforestation, which releases the carbon stored in plants and soils into the atmosphere, both heightens the urgency and opens the door to potential solutions† (2008, p. 8). In addition, the author raises important economical issues related to the problem.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More He explains the way countries depend on forests economically, and makes a few conclusions concerning the impossibility of overcoming environmental problems related to forests unless a proper strategy in the field of economics is developed. â€Å"The biggest fear among skeptics is that an endless stream of deforestation credits will simply allow companies in the developed world to pay a little extra and pass costs on to consumers without otherwise changing their polici es†, comments the author on the economical problem of the deforestation (Tollefson, 2008p. 9). On the whole, the two articles though they were written in different historical periods address the important issue of forests’ environmental protection, and explain that this problem cannot be solved unless its economical causatives are not addressed. Although the two articles can be evaluated as quite analogous in their approaches including their position concerning the critical role of a wise economical strategy in solving the problem of environmental protection of forests, a number of differences in their approaches can be noticed. First of all, the two articles are addressed to a different audience. The article by Muir seems to be directed to every person despite one’s origin, position within the society or any other characteristic of one’s background. Muir appeals to common sense existing in the mind of every human being (referring to egoistical nature of h umans), and encourages to think about the consequences of unwise economical strategies in the use of forests. He explains particular ways of destructing forests by people in the United States. In contrast to Muir (2006), Tollefson (2008) seems to address a different audience. The author appeals to people occupying official positions within the society enabling them to make important economical decisions. Tollefson (2008) points as the European market, the proposal of the European Commission, UN negotiations and other specific documents and events which are related to the professional economical specialists. Furthermore, Tollefson (2008) appears to be more global addressing political and economical issues related to the problem of environmental protection of forests (like the mentioning of the market-based cap-and-trade programme) whereas Muir (2006) is more concentrated on the practical negative effect of deforestation (stressing on the possible problems connected with forests absen ce). Tollefson (2008) is remarkable by the use of a variety of economic figures and factors; he also relates the political issues connected to the international relations in the world community such as Kyoto protocol and the other regulations developed in order to protect forests form uncontrolled clear cutting motivated by the purposes of economic enrichment.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The American Forests specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Finally, the two articles are rather different in the description of a financial mechanism which can be applied by the members of the government in order to exercise the measures directed to the saving of the forests. Tollefson’s approach can be described as a modern day one. He is more realistic about the way of thinking of the government and common people; whereas Muir is more idealistic in his strategies. Muir argues that environmental strategies should be adopt ed as a priority over economical ones with regards to assessment. Many decades passed since Muir published his outstanding article, but the economical approach did not change. This can be supported by the data from â€Å"A Report of the National Forest Assessment Group†. In this document, it can be seen that the sad situation described by Muir in the beginning of the twentieth century has not changed after a hundred of years to pass. â€Å"Across the US, forests are altered by harvesting, by fire management practices, and by conversion to agriculture or through expansion of urban areas, roads, and recreation†, reads the report supporting Muir’s argument (Global Change Research Program, 2001, 2). In conclusion, the two articles under consideration dedicated to the research of the issues related to the environmental protection of forests on a global scale along with the national one can be evaluated as rather similar in their approaches with some insignificant dif ferences. Mainly, the differences can be seen in the arguments applied by the authors, the audience they address and the feasibility of their approach. Reference List Global Change Research Program. (2001). Potential consequences of climate variability and change. New York: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Global Change Program Office. Muir, J. (2006). The American Forests. In J. Muir (Ed.), Our National Parks (pp. 331-365). New York: Cosimo, Inc. Tollefson, J. (2008). Save The Trees. Nature, 452, pp. 8-9.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on The American Forests was written and submitted by user Raphael Nash to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Olaudah Equiano Essays (1023 words) - Olaudah Equiano,

Olaudah Equiano Life of Olaudah Equiano is a detailed story about the life of a well-educated slave published. One section of the story in particular describes one of his many experiences in the New World with one of his owners. This narrative is a very powerful one telling about the treatment of slaves, but also many of the good things Equiano experienced while he was a slave. He gives a seemingly honest and unbiased account to his travels abroad. Equiano was born in 1745 in an Ibo village located in Nigeria called Essaka and in 1756 captured by British slave traders. He was brought to the West Indies and later to a Virginia Plantation. During the Seven Year's War he was present in many of the important naval battles. At the time he was the property of a British man, Lt. Michael Henry Pascal, who had originally bought him as a gift to a cousin in London. After ten years he was sold to a Quaker named Robert King, who eventually allowed him to buy his freedom for forty pounds. Equiano then traveled the globe, as he was an experienced seaman. He spent much of his time in London, where he was pushing the Queen in 1788 to allow the settlement of blacks back in Africa in the British colony of Sierra Leone. Despite his efforts, he never made it back to his homeland of Africa, though. He was married in London in 1792 and had one daughter, but soon after died in 1797 (Costanzo "Equiano") Equaino is most noted though, for his autobiography, which was published nine times, including an American edition in 1791, and German and Dutch editions in 1790 and 1791 respectively. Overall, nine editions were published before 1837. The book was a bestseller for many years and still read today as possibly one of the first influential slave narratives (Costanzo Suprising Narrative) Equaino writes his narrative in a very honest and informal form, as if he is writing to someone that he knows well. The audience however, seems to be the people of the Americas as well as Europe, not just other blacks or slaves. For this reason the book is published in America as well as Europe several times while Equiano is still living. In the narrative, Equiano attempts to tell his story with a very fair and accurate historical tone. By doing this he can gain his reader's trust as an unbiased historian, calling for necessary action, rather than an angry slave trying to get back at the slaveholders. He portrays both of his owners as fair men, appreciative of his hard work and good behavior. They always give him the benefits he deserves, and never leave him short of necessary money or supplies. With this reliable persona, though, Equiano can describe the terrible treatment of fellow slaves that were not so fortunate. The atrocities he speaks of, as well as the general lack of care for the slaves, paints a very ugly picture of slavery. Any reasonable person not holding slaves would be convinced of the immorality of the slave trade by reading the narrative. He gives many convincing circumstances in which he tells about the horrors of the slave trade. His account of one of the ships he traveled upon reads like this: I was often witness to cruelties of every kind, which were exercised on my unhappy fellow slaves. I used frequently to have different cargoes of new negroes in my care for sale; and it was almost a constant practice with our clerks and other whites, to commit violent depredations on the chastity of the female slaves; and these I was, though with reluctance, obliged to submit to at all times, being unable to help them. (Equiano 697) The horrors that he describes are countless in his narrative. Many portray a much more vivid image, able to turn a staunch supporter of slavery to a committed abolitionist (Kennerly 20-30). Equiano's narrative brings about a new style of literature rarely seen before, the slave narrative. It is similar to that of the earlier Indian captivity narratives, but different in its motives. Slaves worked in terrible conditions; they had no personal freedom, and no ability to choose their destiny. Few were educated and even fewer had the supplies to write down the things they encountered. When a slave was freed, educated, and granted the supplies to write down his or her thoughts, they were often published and widely read due to the ever growing hatred toward slavery in the North

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Best Buy Case Study Essay Essay Example

Best Buy Case Study Essay Essay Example Best Buy Case Study Essay Essay Best Buy Case Study Essay Essay Best Buy is a transnational corporation with over 4. 000 locations countrywide. Circuit City was Best Buy’s merely chief competition for some old ages until it took over and ran Circuit City out of concern. Best Buy’s market portion increased after that nevertheless. other big retail merchants every bit good as e-tailers entered into the market. Amazon. Target. Wal-Mart and Apple became Best Buy’s new competition that caused a lessening in market gross revenues in 2010. They all had the same thing in common after the Circuit City prostration and that was to increase electronics. They all had their ain schemes to out-beat Best Buy. Although Best Buy acquired some more competition in a 2010 study consumers still said Best Buy is the first to come to mind when they think about purchasing electronics. However. even though Best Buy is the first that comes to mind against the other rivals. depending on what the merchandise is they will travel to Amazon to purchase it a lternatively. Due to their scheme which focuses on three countries ; customer-centricity. employment policies and sole stigmatization. they are maintaining up with the competition. Best Buy’s schemes may assist them a bulk of the clip but they could alter their schemes merely a small spot. They should seek what Wal-Mart does and monetary value lucifer ads with other shops so that manner they are still acquiring the net incomes and maintaining clients. In my sentiment. Best Buy could better their scheme when it comes to monetary values because they are on the higher terminal of monetary values. As a consumer myself. I do look at Best Buy foremost for my electronics but I normally go someplace else because the monetary values are normally cheaper. Other than their monetary values I really think their schemes are working out good for them and it shows in their rankings amongst other rivals. Consumer electronics is considered a mature industry because of the new tendencies. This industry hits record gross revenues during the vacation seasons but still says instead good throughout the twelvemonth every bit good. All companies associated with this industry attempt to maintain up so they make their ain merchandises. However. due to industries cannibalising their merchandises their merchandise life rhythm has decreased. Industries started making this to seek to maintain their consumers trueness. When monetary values start to fall for engineering merchandises this opens a bigger demographic ; nevertheless by clip the monetary values autumn for the merchandises they have come up with better merchandises. In order to recapture the growing of Best Buy they should seek to repair the monetary values to suit a bigger demographic. I think if they at least attempt to work with the consumers with the monetary values they would derive more clients. The job is the fact that consumers go elsewhere when they see the monetary values and do a monetary value lucifer. Amazon became popular with electronics because people found out that they could acquire electronics of all sorts online. Besides Amazon has an advantage over Best Buy because with Amazon there is free transporting on merchandises. good on most merchandises. I think if Best Buy tried to accommodate some of Amazon’s scheme they can out crush them in the electronics section. If they could be like Amazon and have a illimitable stock list online instead than merely hold their sum of handiness on the salesroom. If they did this I think they would see growing in their company. They pride their egos in holding the most well-thought-of name trade names in the consumer electronics industry so if they matched the monetary values with their pride in their trade names I see a definite growing in their company. With Best Buy being a well-known company and is the first that comes to mind when speaking about electr onics. if they had a bigger pick when it came to the merchandises than they might derive some more growing every bit good to travel along with their already loyal client base. At Best Buy. they offer a choice of energy-efficient merchandises. These merchandises were designed to assist their clients around the universe salvage some more money by utilizing less energy. I think with Best Buy going more sustainable they are more able to keep the involvement of the stakeholders. With these merchandises the stockholders play a large function in act uponing their overall sustainability scheme. The stakeholders help with patterning Best Buy’s one-year sustainability studies. So with them adding this scheme and leting the stakeholders to acquire the opportunity to hold a portion in the scheme they are deriving their involvement. Best Buy really takes the recommendations from their stakeholders and they try to pass on with them in attempts to maintain their involvement in their determination to integrate a sustainability scheme. I think this was a good move on their portion because it states they were unsure about Mr. Dunn’s five twelvemonth growing sc heme. The stakeholders were worried about Best Buy’s hard currency place and about if these schemes would work or non. Anytime when stakeholders have the chance to hold a so in a company is a good thing. In decision. I believe Best Buy is a great company but can go a better one if they were to make some alterations with their schemes. With the invariably altering economic system they need to accommodate their schemes to the alterations. I’m non stating they would hold to ever alter their schemes but I think they should ever seek their best to do their schemes fit the clients every bit good as aid the success of the company. With that being said I believe they will have even better consequences for the company every bit good as the consumers.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan - Essay Example To emphasis this recovery plans need to be tested on a regular basis with the risk analysis workshops. The answer to this question depends on different variables like the regulatory requirements, possibility of natural disasters, insurance premiums and above all the cost of the whole process. The distance of the intended business continuity site is to be determined and setup taking into consideration the time factor and how soon you would need it operational. The requirements subject to distance and data currency, integrity of data and the affordable loss needs to be closely looked into. Replicating data at a distance is essential for effectiveness wherein synchronous replication could be used for short distances and asynchronous techniques are required for longer distances which would guarantee data integrity. The fact that increased dependency on information technology based on information processing is to be categorized and identified based on the critical nature of the process. The business continuity management team which is the backbone of the plan coordinates between the various processes to move into action the continuity plan in case of any disaster. It is essential to ensure that the plan is constantly updated with the ongoing changes to the resources along with the management team which is responsible for this task. Every quarterly the Business Continuity Management Team has to make sure that the plan is reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure effectiveness and productivity. Annually the plan is overhauled and revised if necessary and the changes are reported to the respective coordinators and authorized personnel. Testing of the complete plan on regular basis is essential for it to be effective at any given point of time. Secondary tests can be carried out on individual processes while

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Period of Baroque Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Period of Baroque - Essay Example Renaissance, through its new ideology and reform, resulted with a variety of styles. The idea of individualism and freedom of artistic creations influenced Michelangelo in a different manner. He was, in a way opposite of Leonardo. He was emotional and inward oriented. While painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, he described the creation of the universe in his own way. He represented God as an old man with bears, most probably because of the humanism. Also, the humanism of Renaissance allowed him to represent a naked man, together with God, in same size. Renaissance was a start of reform and it was a return to classical values. In opened a new viewpoint in terms of ideology and style. After Renaissance, Baroque period have started. The artistic center moved from Florence to Rome. The reconstruction and redecoration of Rome gave rise to different artistic ideas and styles. One of the features of Baroque which distinguished it from Renaissance period is that it was international. Baroque style spread all through Europe, it was also accepted in Russia and passed into the New World. Caracci and Andrea Pozzo became famous with their ceiling frescoes and Caravaggio with his style, his way of representing figures and use of light etc. The paintings on ceilings in Baroque period differed from Renaissance. In this period the paintings became more elaborate and variety of images created an allegory in a way, representing the glorification of the miracles. There were flying figures on ceilings. and everything took place above us. Therefore the perspective moved from walls to ceilings and scientific reality gave its place to illusion and movement. The Baroque period had its own way of representing naturalism and reality. Michelangelo Merisi Da is better known as Caravaggio and he was an Italian baroque painter. His works portrayed saints and other biblical figures as plain ordinary people. Little is known about his early life but one might assume from his painting that he was a very catholic person with good morals. But actually this is not the case- His fame came when he unveiled his three life size paintings narrating the life of Saint Matthew in 1600. At that time his life was filled with notorious violence. It is said that a full transcript of his trial pending and police records would fill several pages. Several of these violent incidences almost ended in his death. He was later ordered to quit Rome after one of his alliances was killed during a violent accident. He wanted to paint saints and biblical figures

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Term Paper

Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering - Term Paper Example In the field of biotechnology, modern techniques enable the genes to be removed from one organism and inserted into another in order to produce a desired substance, for example, Insulin. Another example is of fire fly. When a gene of fire fly is introduced into tobacco protoplast, the gene produces an enzyme, luciferase. When adult plant is sprayed with substrate luciferin, it glows. Many of human diseases are cured by means of this technology. Biotechnology has produced multiple drugs and vaccines. Bacteria naturally clean up the environment by killing and engulfing the pollutants, but genetic engineers have produced much more improved types of bacteria that can finish the environmental pollutants, increase soil fertility and function as pesticides in a much more efficient manner as compared to naturally occurring bacteria. Similarly, by using the knowledge of biotechnology, the scientists have altered the genotype and phenotype of plants and animals for the benefit of mankind. Some times natural mutation of genes in humans cause malfunctioning in their bodies, the biotechnologists replaces the faulty genes by healthy ones. The gene therapy in which genes are inserted into the cell outside the body is called Ex Vivo gene therapy and within the body is called In Vivo gene therapy. ... The DNA which contains DNA from two different sources is called recombinant DNA. The following bacterial is required for producing recombinant DNA. Isolation of gene from the chromosome The chromosomes are cut on the flanking sites to isolate the genes from them. The enzymes restriction endonucleases are used for this purpose. The genes can also be chemically synthesized in the laboratory or synthesized from messenger RNA by an enzyme named reverse transcriptase. The obtained DNA is termed as complimentary DNA. (Peacock,2010) Molecular Scissor Endoneucleases (restriction enzymes) cut down the viral DNA and restrict their growth. Hamilton O Smith at Johns Hopkins University was the person who isolated the first restriction Enzyme. The specific sites in DNA show specific sequence of four to six nucleotides arranged symmetrically in the reverse order. These sequences are known as Palindromic sequence. Restriction enzymes cut the DNA at the specific sites. Out of four hundred isolated en zymes, twenty are frequently used in recombinant technology. ECORI (a restriction enzyme) cuts double stranded DNA at the cleavage site so that a gap is formed to fit the foreign DNA with its complimentary ends into the gap. (Yount, 2008) Vector (the molecular carrier) Vector is a method by which recombinant DNA is inserted into a host cell. In this method, plasmids (natural extra chromosomal circular DNA) are used as vectors. They carry genes. DNA of bacterial virus is also used as vector. Lambdaphage (vector) attaches to a host bacterium. The recombinant DNA releasing from the virus enters the bacterium and replicates to produce many copies of virus each containing a copy of the gene of choice. Plasmids are cut with enzymes to

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Key Thinkers in Sociology

The Key Thinkers in Sociology Talcott Parsons (1902-79) was a key functionalist thinker. He suggested a special type of sociology called functionalism. He said that the function of anything is the job that it does. Functionalists see society as a social system made up of interrelated and inter-dependent institutions, such as education, work, religion, law, the family. The overall function of these institutions is to maintain social order. The nuclear family is suggested by the functionalist sociologists as the norm in modern industrial societies, and that it has a number of functions that contribute to the well-being of the society. The family is the primary agent of socialisation. It socialises new members by teaching them common norms and values. The family create consensus and order. Parsons (1995) argued that families are personality factory; they produce children who shared same norms and values and have strong sense of belonging to society. There are criticisms of the functionalist view of the family. The idea that the family benefits all individuals has been strongly attacked, mostly by feminist sociologists, who argue that the family is only there to exploit and oppress women. They believe that the rosy harmonious family life painted by functionalist ignores social problem such as increases in divorce rate, child abuse and domestic violence. The analyses are based on middle-class and American versions of family life, and they didnt add other influences such as ethnicity, social class, religion. They also see children as passive recipients of culture and this view under-estimates the role of children in families. In conclusion, functionalist thinking of the family suggests that biological needs support the nuclear family, even when there is no scientific evidence to support this view. Feminism is the sociological perspective which examines society from the perspective of women. It contrasts with traditional sociology, which was dominated by men and male concerns. There are at least four types of feminists who identify different reasons for womens unequal situation in society. They are the Marxist feminists who argued the relationship between capitalism and family, private property and the house wife role. The liberal feminist duels on the lack of equal opportunities in society. The radical feminists talk about patriarchy; this predates capitalism and present in most cultures. The difference feminists in its theory claim that certain groups of women might have unique situation that disadvantages them. Feminists have been highly critical of the family, unlike other critics; they have tended to stress the harmful effects of family life upon women. This has led them to the development of new perspectives and highlighted new issues. They have for example, introduced the study of areas of family life such as housework and domestic violence into sociology. They have challenged the views about the inevitability of the male dominance in families and questioned the views that family life is becoming egalitarian (becoming equal). Feminists have also highlighted the economic contribution made by women domestic labour within the family. Their theory has gained the attention sociologists to see the family as an institution involving power relationship. They have challenged the image of the family life as being based on cooperation, shared interests and love. It has shown that men obtain greater benefits from families than others. Some feminists have come out to question why other feminists sho uld condemn family life. Some have also argued that feminists should recognise the various improvements in family life for women over the past years. All feminists, however, argue that family life still disadvantages women. The Marxist theory of the family developed from the work of Karl Marx (1818-1883). Marx believed society was made up of two important parts, the economic base or infrastructure and the superstructure, which includes the family. By economic base, Marx means the capitalist system of production and the capitalist class structure, whereas by the superstructure, Marx means the other institutions of society, the family, the education system, the mass media, the religious system, the political system and the legal system. He argued that the economic base influences the organisation of the institutions of the superstructure so that they operate to maintain the capitalist system. Federich Engels (1884) was a close friend and colleague of Marx. He believed that early society was based on a primitive form of communism. There was no such thing as private property, wealth was communally owned, there were no rules limiting sexual behaviour and undiscriminating sexual behaviour was the norm. The society was the family. Engels believed that a monogamous nuclear family became more important as private property became more important in society. Property was owned by males and they needed to be sure of the legitimacy of their heirs (inheritors), and marriage was the best the best solution. This increased control over women or patriarchy. The criticism against Marxism is that there is a considerable working class support for the family and it is difficult to explain this if the family is a source of working class oppression. Families have sometimes helped their members to cope with the injustices of the capitalist system. There has being active opposition to the capitalist system, although such opposition occur only in a minority of families. According to Talcott Parsons (1950), family structure changed as society industrialised. Families in Britain have changed over the centuries. It has changed from extended family to nuclear family. The extended family was during the pre-industrial society. People needed to have lots of relatives with them to share the familys work (such as running a farm) and to support them in sickness and old age. The big change came with the Industrial Revolution bringing in the nuclear family. The period of Industrial Revolution (1750-1850) was when modern industry based on factories developed, and people moved in large numbers from country areas to new industrial cities. Before the Industrial Revolution, it was difficult to separate home and the whole family worked together. As time changes, it was men who went to work and women just stayed home to do the cooking and cleaning. Young and Willmott carried out studies of working-class families in London in the 1950s and 1960s. They found strong extended family networks in Bethnal Green, East London. The most important characteristic of British family today is diversity. The different types of family are the nuclear family; it is made up an adult man, adult woman and their child or children. The lone parent families are one parent, father or mother and his or her child or children. Reconstituted families are new family created after divorce through a second marriage, with stepparents and stepchildren. Co-habitation family is a name for people who live under same roof. The presence of minority ethnic groups (afro-Caribbean families and the Asian families) has also contributed to the diversity of Britains families. A study by Young and Willmott (1973) found that joint role had replaced separate roles in the home with tasks and decision making now shared. But Ann Oakley (1974) criticised this view and argued that separate roles still exist in the home. Stephen Edgell (2000) found that in the middle class, women had sole responsibility for financial decisions in relatively unimportant areas such as home decorating and children clothing. The decisions on major spending were made jointly. Evidence suggests that many women have dual burden of labour, home and work responsibilities. Sociologists Mary Boulton suggests that women have additional emotional role in the home. She called it a triple burden. Studies conducted in the 90s by sociologists showed that the role of father was changing. They are more likely to attend to the birth of their babies and play greater role in childcare than in the 60s. Burghes (1997) says fathers are now more actively involved in the emotional development of their children. The reason for this, according to Beck (1992) is that father can no longer rely on jobs to provide a sense of identity, they rely more on their children for that. Feminist have highlighted the influence of patriarch ideology on the way both husbands and wives perceive their respective situations. Ann Oakleys study, The Sociology of Housework (1974) involve forty housewives, six were employed outside the home. She found that middle class husbands gave more help with childcare than with housework. Oakleys survey has been backed by subsequent surveys. The above finding contradicts the optimistic view of Young and Willmott. Their picture of symmetrical family in which husband and wife share their work was based on responses to only one question. Functionalists see the sexual division of labour at home as biologically inevitable. Marxist feminist argue that the housewife role serves the need of capitalism. Radical feminists believe like Delphy (1984) that the first oppression is the oppression of women by men.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Art and Humanities Essay

The Music I associate with from my early childhood would be so many different songs from like the alphabet songs. When I grew up we were not allowed watching TV so much in the 70’s. But we watched some cartoons like the Surf’s on Saturday mornings; I still remember the song Fa-la-la-la. I grew up listing to reggae and oldies but goodies music on my parents little radio in the living room. When I hear these songs I have a smile on my face. It always reminded me when my children was listening to some of the same kind of music either on Television or radio or when they watched cartoons like Old MacDonald or Bitsy Spider with the same good old folk rhymes. As I got older I remember listening to bands like the S. O. S. , Dazz band. My mom always made me play her cassette deck with her oldies or reggae music while she cleaned the house top to bottom. She always danced around while she was cleaning and it made cleaning looked like so much fun. And to this day if I help my wife with house chores I listen to the same kind of music then my mother was listening to. My daughter is the exact same way; she plays music all the times. The Music I associate with my adolescence is R&B disco music from the 1980’s and 90’s. I loved mostly all of them and I would listen to any songs â€Å"I want to be your man† by Rogers or Keith Sweat â€Å"Make it last forever†, â€Å"Between the sheets† by The Isley Brothers, I could just go on and on. I went through many phases where I start listening to Madonna or country music and different artists like them, but I believe it had something do to with being a young boy growing up. Up to this day I could listen to all the same artists, bands or songs and think about the carefree days I had and being a high school boy being crazy with all my friends. But there was a time in my life where I was real crazy and just listening to rap music and started using the bad words and believe me that was not for long because my mother got rid of all my rap music quickly. And now if my children would listen to some rap music I tell them please not in my home. When it comes to comfort in music I always find myself going back and listen to oldies or reggae that was always  playing when my mother was cleaning the house. It was an everyday thing for my mom because it seemed that our home was never clean enough for her because we were six children coming in from football fields dirty or the backyard. But anytime I came into the house the same oldies or reggae music was playing, it was either Bob Marley† Buffalo Soldiers† or the oldies song† Let’s stay together† by Al Green When I have a bad day or just want to relax I find myself sitting down and turn on music and listen to the 70’s or 80’s songs, because that is what gets my head clear and then I can focus again. Happiness is a mood I would associate with songs or music that has a good rhythm and has a positive message. The song that makes me happy is â€Å"Buffalo Soldiers† by Bob Marley just like my mother, she would play that song over and over again. I would say that every genre and style of music has it songs that are happy, sad, comforting, depressing, fun and any other mood or feeling one could have. This is not because of how the song really sounds or the way it’s played, it’s the meaning from the lyrics. But the listener interprets the song in a way that only you can relate to. That is why music is so important to me because it can be a musical time line of our memories. I will always remember the music I grew up with and all the god times I had as a child and this is what I took into my Adulthood. In my life, music has been a constant, ever changing magical and amazing adventure. Music has always been a part of an everyday life for so many years and so many more years to come, because no matter if we understand the music that the one likes or not it does not matter to us. All we need to know is what we like and what impact music has on us. Music may make a person happy or sad because of the memories they re-live. No matter what it might be you must know that music is needed and wanted. References: Altschuler, R. J. (2009). The Art of Being Human: The Humanities as a Technique for Living. Retrieved from: www. youtube. com/watch? v=S5FCdx7Dn0o Retrieved from: www. youtube. com/watch? v=RCcg7ctrC4w.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Behavioral Perspectives

Follet, Munsterberg and Mayo are mostly known for behavioral- science approach theory. They are more focused on the human and psychological factors, which are likely to affect the workers. A considerable philosophy of the theory illuminates employee relationship and motivation, information processing and organizational development. The three are also considered the founders of organizational psychology and behavioral approaches in the theories of management. Follet is an American social worker, a pioneer in the organizational theory and organizational behavior. He is works as a management consultant. Her theory criticized the poor handling of employees and urge managers to be friendly. In doing so, they should grant them the liberty to collaborate, socialize and work in teams. Munsterberg, on the other hand, states that only workers with standard mental capability and moral standards should be hired. Moreover, increased employee motivation, job performance, and employee retention are very imperative. In other words, he encourages matching an employee merits with his or her job description. Elton Mayo, who started human relations movement is best known for Hawthorne studies which were conducted at the western electric company. His theory is based on the soft ways for successful management. According to him, individual's work performance depends greatly on job satisfaction. He contributed significantly to behaviorism movement in the management field. However, Marx, Weber, and Taylor oppose such positions and call for employees liberations. For instance, Marx is against the bourgeois who use other people to become rich. They are uncomfortable with the states of affairs that use other people as instruments of making wealth. Even though Marx, weber and Taylor contrast them, Follet, Munsterberg and Mayo transformed the way modern employers relate to their employees. Q2Organizational structure defines how organizational activities are coordinated, and directing supervisions of the allocated tasks towards the achievement of organizational goals. Major types of the organizational structure include functional, divisional and matrix. Functional structure refers to the grouping of the organization departments according to purposes. It is useful for small organizations with flexible departments which can solely rely on the skills, talents, and knowledge of employees. Divisional structure is used by large organizations which operate in different geographical areas. The organization is divided into divisions which areas separately managed towards achieving the common set goals. It is useful in the sense that its desires can be met rapidly and more specifically since each division operates independently. Q3Everyone in a workplace possesses different personalities. The use of personality test immensely employs the use of the big five personality traits which includes openness, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism. In a workplace, personality traits can help in revealing strengths and weaknesses of the employees. Moreover, it helps in determining levels of emotional intelligence among employees, a key tool for effective communication. In addition to this, personality traits help in creating awareness and enhancing excellent teamwork among employees. Finally, personality traits it helps in promoting a deeper understanding of employee capabilities based on their strengths and capabilities, thus making it easier to delegate the duties. Q4 Perceptual distortions refer to the variations of a person's response to a stimulus from the common perception. Majorly, it occurs as a result of intellectual biases of an individual. The major causes of perceptual distortions include but not limited to stereotyping, halo effect, pre-deposition, recency effect, pre-deposition effect, primacy effect, and prejudice. An example of perceptual distortion is that of an individual who is suffering from anorexia and holds a biased self-image. Such people see their bodies as overweighed and unsightly whereas others perceive them as the undernourished as well as underweighted. Q5 Impression management refers to a self-presentation system which focuses on improving a person's image in the eyes of others. Typically, it refers to a process in which people attempt to influence the perception of others. Managers synonymously implement the use of impression management to present themselves to their employees, the public and to their peers as a way of impelling the insights of their appearance. The underlying motives and basic governing factors of impression management culminates in the awareness of being a potential monitoring instrument and the kind social status. Additionally, cultural norms, personal goals, and social perspectives form other impression motives and governing factors for managers. The duo reveals the assertions, which leads to a dynamic way of presentational aspects. Managers tend to impress their employees, peers and the public through the types of clothes they put on, which have specific designs and fashions. Politicians wear nice suits, carries an expensive suitcase and move inexpensive cars so as to impress the public as they woe for votes. Christianity is another strategy used by managers to impress peers and the public alleging that their ways are pure. Q6 Stress refers to a hypersensitive response of the body to any kind of emotional strain. It occurs as a result of personal conflict between the job workload or demands and the little amount of time an employee has to meet these demands, hence lack of control. The common demands that may lead to stress in the workplace include poor organization of the work, poor work design, poor working conditions, poor management and lack of supervisory support. Moreover, job monotony and excessive workload are also sources of stress in a workstation. The general responses to stress that can be experienced are majorly classified into physical, Emotional responses. Physical stress occurs in the general body and includes pains, aches and other diseases that may be caused by stress. Physical stress is accompanied by frequent headaches, chest problems, back pain and aching stomach. It is also characterized by insufficient sleep and high blood pressure. On the other hand, Emotional responses are experiences involving feelings and thoughts during stressful circumstances. Such responses include depression and anxiety, withdrawing socially and becoming more forgetful. Anger, lack of focus and becoming more restless are other emotional responses to stress. Excessive stress is fatal and prevention measures should be put in place. In order to deal with stress, one should first trace the origin and know the causes of stress and develop healthy responses to curb the situation. Relaxing the mind and having sufficient sleep are important techniques suppressing stress. Avoid being lonely, talk to other people and seek for their help. Finally, talking to the supervisor about the stressing issue can help solve the situation. This can be perfected by improving working conditions.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Killer Angels essays

The Killer Angels essays The pain, joy, bloodshed, death, and sorrow of the Civil War are all contained in the book called, The Killer Angels. This book will show you the thoughts, feelings and actions of many of the leaders of both armies. By reading this book you will get an in depth view of the bloodiest days of the Civil War. Even if you know absolutely nothing about this war, you can still read and understand everything that is portrayed. This story not only gives you the view of many of the major leaders, but it also gives you the maps an strategies used in this war. It also shows you the conflicts in making these strategies. This book has inspired many, but the true question is will it inspire you? Reading this book will cause you to be engulfed in the horrors, hardships, and glories of the Civil War. The authors main purpose in writing this book is to inform and involve the reader. I believe that Michael Shaara gave the reader the true information and viewpoints. He wanted to get the reader hooked on the book. He did not want this book to be only read by historians and people that know a lot about the Civil War. He wanted this book to be able to be read by anyone. He did not want it to matter if you didnt know anything or a lot of things about the Civil War. This purpose is extremely difficult to achieve, but by using the style of writing that was used, he may have accomplished this goal. The true main idea that the author writes about is the four bloodiest days of battle that in the end decided the Civil war. He includes all of the battles that occurred in that time span. These battles are either the smallest skirmishes or the fixed bayonet charge that was ordered by Chamberlain during the battle of Little Round Top. The battles were not only just mentioned. They were described in great detail. These battles included the actual fight and then the result of the battle such as casualties on both sides, an...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Heritage Assessment Essay

Heritage Assessment Essay Heritage Assessment Essay Heritage Assessment Health Traditions and Cultural Heritage No wonder modern technology innovations keep coming out each year. Even with all the new changes and the fast lifestyles. Few things are resolute such as customs and traditions. Each country has a wealth of culture and heritage passed on from their ancestors. Many people believe and value the inheritance; ensure to transfer the tradition to the upcoming generations. The distinguishing civilization, inheritance, and traditions are unique for each nation. The heritage assessment tool helps to differentiate various traditions and heritage of different cultures. Being an Indian my traditional beliefs, customs, and practices pertaining to health are diverse and is specific to each region. Indians are well-known for their endurance and the way they entertain guests unbiased by his/her race, religious beliefs or economic status. People in India especially elderly believe that health and wealth are very much related to mind, body, and soul. Though people seek medical help for aches and other illness of unknown origin, individuals are ashamed to report mental health issues to the medical practitioner and sometimes wait until decisive moments to get assistance from health care personnel (Shapiro, n d). Apart from the western medicine India has a wealth of traditional system of medicine including Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Acupuncture and Acupressure. Ayurveda also known as â€Å"the science of

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Is ethnic conflict the most important cause of civil wars Essay

Is ethnic conflict the most important cause of civil wars - Essay Example All governments in the world attempt to attain and maintain a monopoly over organized violence within its borders. When they lose the monopoly to the emergence of a rebel group, a civil war erupts. Reducing global incidence of civil wars is highly feasible and is hugely valuable to international peace and stability in the globe. All in all, ethnic difference has been quoted by many as the most important cause of many civil wars being experienced around the globe. To Collier, P & Hoeffler, A (2005), civil wars are now more common compared to international conflict. According to them, of the 15 main armed conflicts which are listed by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) for 2001, majority are internal conflicts which can be categorized as civil wars. To start with, unequal distribution of government resources forces people to come together once they notice that, the distribution is done in the lines of ethnicity. A saying goes that, if in a seat of power, you should always do well and particularly to your tribes’ men. To Fearon, J. et al. (2006), this is a negative score if a country is to have the required cohesion among the tribes if it is to achieve any thing higher. The neglected tribes often come up to attack the ruling elites together with the tribes were they come from. According to Fearon, J. et al. (2006), this is the starting point. Also, government positions are allocated to the politically correct individuals; from the tribe of the ruling class. This practice of segregating some individuals due to his/her tribe leads to civil war in many instances. Further, in countries which were colonized by foreign powers, the first citizen to rule that country determines the future of the country. When a person ascends to power and starts rewarding his/her ethnic group then a problem crops up. For example in Kenya after the general elections last year, an internal conflict ensued which could have deteriorated into a civil war

Friday, November 1, 2019

SG Cowen Recruitment System Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

SG Cowen Recruitment System - Case Study Example The company still seeks to grow further by diversifying into the geographical regions of the world but wants to keep an integrated mission and vision for hiring new talent and recruits at the various positions in the company. The case outlines the recruitment session for a period of 2001-2002 at SG Cowen, starting from the establishment of the recruitment procedures at the company and the flow of applicant and recruitment selection at all levels of the company. The case of SG Cowen: New Recruits has been analyzed through observation. It has been observed that the company has an established and exhaustive recruitment process for hiring recent graduates, which pertains to inviting applications from candidates in the market, targeting candidates from the core schools by holding interactive career setting and recruitment sessions with the interested applicants and tier based interview sessions at the universities as well at the company in New York. Through the information provide in the case, it has been noted that the recruitment procedure for new graduates into SG Cowen is based on the strategy formulated by Rae. This strategy by Rae is to target the core schools and universities for the future employees of SG Cowen. These core schools include schools ranked amongst the top 10 business schools in the United States as well as the 15 schools which make up the top 25 schools in the United States. This is a unique strategy to adopt in a highly competitive market for recruits. It was also observed that the only the academic performance of the candidates and their previous work records and experiences were not the only factors taken into account when making a decision for hiring new recruits. The orientation of the candidates, as well as their drive, interest and passion for the business and the industry as well as the suitability to the culture of the organization were also taken into account when deciding on the selection of new recruits to be hired by SG Cowen. The problem that has been observed in the case pertains to the issues faced by the management of SG Cowen when it comes to deciding the final recruits amongst those candidates who have the potential, the drive as well as the academic record and experience to be recruits of SG Cowen but for some reason have not received affirmation form all the interviewers at the Super Saturday interview rounds. Connections to Human Resource Management The article is very much related to the human resource field and the Human Resource Management function. This case provides the entire recruitment and selection process at SG Cowen which is a part of the human resource management function. The case depicts the recruitment steps and process though which the candidates go through to be hired by the company. These steps pertain to on On Campus Round and Super Saturday which culminate in the selection of the class of 30 or so recruits for SG Cowen. The On Campus round takes the form of introduction and sign up sessions at the core schools where the interested students can sign up for applying as a candidate to SG Cowen. An informal session is kept between the representatives of SG Cowen, the MD and the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Report Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Report Writing - Assignment Example The suspect was identified as Ricky Moon, a white male, aged 22 years; with a height, 6’; weighing, 192; at the moment he was wearing blue jeans and a ski cap. The officer immediately transported him back to the bank in an attempt of finding witnesses who would help with the suspect identification. Beamer and Katz who were both present during the process of the robbery positively identified the suspect. Following the positive identification, Judge L.C Green gave out a search warrant for the green Ford pickup that was bearing a New York licence TFH 789 and at that time was being driven by Ricky Moon and later found to be registered to the same man. The following items were obtained from the truck; 38 calibre blue steel revolver having serial number of 78695, a 4-inch barrel, black rubber grips, Green money bag, top zipper of First National Bank of New York, a Blue ski cap having eye holes cut within the fabric, a pair of blue jeans with red dye stains, black boots, pump shotgun, brown wood stock having the serial number of 436790 and $5,000 in $100 bills all of this materials were found in the suspects truck and are directly related to the above stated robbery. The witnesses at the crime scene; Frank Beamer and Jo Katz testified that on 20th of January, 2008 at around 1.30 pm a robbery occurred at the First National Bank of New York. The robber who carried out the offence was described as a white man, in blue jeans, wearing black shoes, in his twenties and also wearing a fabric on the head having holes cut in the fabric. Both witnesses stated to have observed that the suspected robber was in possession of two guns and also was wearing a jacket; moreover both added that the man was either in his twenties or early thirties. However there are some of the reported attributes by the two witnesses which are contradicting like Katz reported that the suspect had black hair and blue eyes, whereas Beamer reported the suspect to be having

Monday, October 28, 2019

Final Report Essay Example for Free

Final Report Essay Information need not be passed down through physical means like mail or newspapers. It can be done through SMS (short messaging service), a phone call or even an email. Underlying such great inventions is the use of electronic devices to transmit and receive signals. Due to the demand for faster and larger data flow, complex systems such as Code-Division Multiple Access (CDMA) have been developed. This project is confined to the fundamental concepts used in digital communication. These key concepts include sampling, quantization and frame synchronization. The circuit designed is meant for one-way dataflow. It supports transmission by one user from any analog input. Hence, it is not necessary to select between multiple analog inputs using the frequency-division multiplexing technique. In transmitting wirelessly, a laser and photodiode are used instead of antennas. This choice is made because it is complex to build a Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) circuit. Without FSK, an antenna would need to be 75km long in order to transmit a wave of 4 kHz. 1. 2 Problem Identification In this project, a laser pointer is used to transmit analog signal wirelessly. In order to realize digital transmission, the analog signal must be converted into digital form using a Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) encoder. Before the signal can be decoded at the receiver end, frame synchronization must be achieved. Hence, a training sequence must be sent to synchronize the receiver and transmitter. Next, a Digital Phase Locked Loop (DPLL) is needed to lock on to the transmitted signal and generate clocks at the receiver end. In the final stage, the digital signal is converted back to an analog signal. This signal is then played through a speaker. 1. 3 Constraints Availability of Manpower Our main constraint lies in the shortage of manpower. Due to the complexity of the DPLL Circuit and Training Sequence Identification Circuit, more members should be allocated to these two subgroups. However, this is not possible as our group consists of only eight members. This constraint will be addressed in the implementation section of this report. Components The design of any combinational logic circuit is confined to the availability of chips (gates). In this project, we are not provided with AND and NOR gates. Hence, knowledge of Boolean algebra will aid us in realizing any logic with the universal NAND gate. In addition, the design of logic circuits also depends on the space of breadboard. Hence, minimizing the number of chips used takes higher precedence over the simplicity of design. This is to achieve compactness on the breadboard. Time A short time frame of seven weeks is given to build a laser communication system. Apart from building the prototype, our group must submit design and final reports for grading. Hence, it is critical that all group members adhere to the schedule. Further, since there are no extra lab sessions provided for testing and debugging, subgroups must build the circuits before going for the lab session. . System Design 2. 1 Project Requirements 1. 2. 048 MHz Master Clock, 64 KHz Bit Clock and 8 KHz Frame Synchronization: with rising edges aligned. 2. Clock signals into PCM encoder, training sequence generator and multiplexer. 3. Coder and decoder chips are needed for analog to digital conversion and digital to analog conversion respectively. 4. Model the photodiode as a voltage source. 5. Yield minimal noise in the photodiode circuit. 6. DPLL: Determine the value of K, N, M and constant phase difference between local clock and data sequence. 7. DPLL: Design a divide by N Counter. 8. Frame synchronization must be achieved. 9. Training Sequence must be generated. 10. A D flip-flop is required to switch training frame to data frame at the correct instance. 11. A logic circuit must be implemented to identify the training sequence at the receiver end. 12. Implement a â€Å"Divide by 8† counter to yield 8 KHz Frame Synchronization Receiver from the 64 KHz Bit Clock. 2. 2 Design of System The system consists of two functional components. They are the transmitter and receiver. In the discussion of this system, the transmitter side will be first discussed followed by the receiver end. 2. 3 Design of Transmitter The transmitter consists of several sub-blocks. These sub-blocks include the clock and counter networks, training sequence generator, switch, encoder and the laser link. 2. 3. 1 Clock and Counter Networks In this system, 2. 048MHz Master Clock (MCLK), 64 KHz Bit Clock (BCLK) and 8 KHz Frame Synchronization Signal (FSYN) are required. BCLK and FSYN are required by the training sequence generator and multiplexer (MUX) switch respectively. The encoder chip requires MCLK, BCLK and FSR. As such, the breadboard layout shown in Figure 1 is adopted. Figure 1: Breadboard Layout (Transmitter) Master Clock (MCLK) The Master Clock (MCLK) is obtained from the signal generators available in the lab. As a high speed clock is needed by the PCM encoder to function, the value of 2. 048 MHz is chosen. MCLK provides the timing signal to synchronize the other clocks in the system. In this manner, the rising edge of the generated BCLK and FSR will coincide with MCLK. Bit Clock (BCLK) The Bit Clock (BCLK) frequency is 64 KHz. This is generated by inputting MCLK into the Counter (74HC191) followed by a D Flip-flop (74HC74). BCLK is required because the frequency of bits generated by the encoder is 64 KHz. The BCLK allows the bit stream to be synchronized with the clock network. Frame Synchronization Signal (FSYN)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Henrik Isbens A Dolls House :: A Dolls House Essays

Torvald Holmer's refusal to borrow money displays the character of a proud and controlling man. Helmer provided the financial support for his family through hard work, not depending on others for money. When Torvald's law practice did not provide financially, he sought a job at the bank. After Helmer received a promotion at the bank, Nora felt they could now afford to be extravagant for Christmas. Nora says, "This is the first Christmas that we have not needed to economize." Torvald announces that his promotion is not until ". . . after the New Year," so Nora blurts out ". . . we can borrow till then." Helmer interprets Nora's spending of money as wasteful and foolish, telling her "That is like a woman! ...There can be no freedom or beauty about a home life that depends on borrowing and debt." Obviously Torvald earns and manages the money in the house, and he attributes Nora's lack of understanding of these matters to her gender. Torvald views a woman's place to beautify the home through proper management of domestic life, behavior, and appearance. Helmer demeans Nora about spending in calling her "sweet little spendthrift, but she sure uses up a deal of money . . . " After accusing Nora of being irresponsible with money, Torvald rejoices at her dependence on him stating, ". . . Is my little squirrel out of temper? ...what do you think I have here?" Nora exclaims, "Money!" Torvald finds merriment in watching her happy reaction to him giving her money, and Nora saying, ". . . Thank you, thank you, . . . " This illustrates the helplessness of Nora and her dependence on Helmer, causing him to feel in control. 8. Nora's secret crime confessed to Christine Linde, a childhood friend, had been to save her deathly ill husband's life by borrowing money. She borrowed the money from Krogstad, without getting her husband's permission. As Nora and Christine palaver about their lives, Nora explains the financial hardships they had. "...Torvald left his office . . . There was no prospect of promotion . . . during the first year he overworked himself dreadfully . . . but he could not stand it, and fell dreadfully ill, and the doctors said it was necessary for him to go south." Since he was in danger of dying, Nora's explanation was that the doctors urged them to live in the South for a year; yet they thought Helmer should not know how ill he really was.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Herman Miller Business Case Essay

1. Executive summary Herman Miller, an environmental leader in the office furniture industry that offers a wide variety of products including seating, systems furniture, filing storage, desks, tables and health care. In 1989, the company decided to adopt a triple-bottom-line philosophy, so it established and changed company’s environmental direction by adopting â€Å"Perfect Vision† initiative that targeted zero landfill, zero hazardous, waste generation, zero air and water emissions. In 1997, the company decided to implement a cradle-to-cradle (C2C) protocol based on eco-effectiveness vs. eco-efficiency and Waste equals food; which consisted of four key elements: biological and technical nutrients; green-yellow-orange list disassembly, recyclability and recycled content. The C2C approach focused on minimizing toxic pollution and reducing natural resources waste. After years of extensive work, in 2001, the company decided that it was time to implement a C2C design protocol on a product that would contain recyclable materials from beginning to end; Mirra chair project was launched. Herman Miller worked toward the design process, manufacturing, engineers, supply chain managers, manufacturing associates, design consultants, trained over 300 employees, worked with suppliers to find substitutes eco-friendly materials, performed raw material assessment, met with people from sales and marketing and discussed several options for closing the loop by recycling the material from Mirra chair. The major issue the company faced was determining the material that was going to be used for the arm-pad skin: polyvinyl chloride (PVC) versus thermoplastic urethane (TPU). PVC was known to be inexpensive and provided to be durable, scratch resistant and soft; but violated the standards of the C2C protocol. PVC had bad press due to its toxicity during manufacturing process and when it was burned or incinerated. In contrary, TPU showed that had acceptable quality characteristics; prove to be even more scratch resistant than PVC, but raw material cost was twice of PCV. Development and supply chain management teams preferred to proceed with PVC while the design for environment (DfE) team wanted to press forward with TPU. 2. Introduction 2.1 Company background Herman Milller was founded as a Michigan Start Furniture Company in 1905. In 1923 D.J. De Pree purchased it, renamed it after his father-in-law and grew the company into an internationally acclaimed furniture design house. Herman Miller is considered as one of the top four suppliers in the US office industry that offers suite office furniture including seating, systems furniture, filing, storage, desks, tables and healthcare furniture. In 2001 annuals sales were about $1.5 billion dollars. In 1989, the company decided to move toward environmental sustainability by changing company’s environmental policy and direction by adopting a cradle-to-cradle (C2C) design protocol for environmental sustainability. The cradle-to-cradle approach will emulate nature regenerative cycle at the end of the life cycle. C2C redesigned industrial processes by minimizing toxic pollution and reducing waste. In 2001, a Design for Environmental (DfE) team was formed to design and develop a new product. Mirra chair would be the most advanced and complete application of the C2C design protocol among any product manufacturer to date. 3.2 Identification of key issues facing the company * In 2002, the company suffered a decline in sales due to economic crisis and pre-internet-bubble where many of its customers cutback or dissolved. * The company realized that the ways its products were designed generated waste in the production process. * Cradle-to-grave process used by the company at the time, released toxic material into the environment. * Products were useless waste at the end of the useful lives. * The major key issue that the company faced when launching the design protocol of Mirra chair was to decide the type of material that was going to be used for the arm-pad skin: polyvinyl chloride (PVC) versus thermoplastic urethane (TPU) * Another relevant issue was the collection of Mirra chair after the end of its life cycle. DfE team were evaluating three alternatives: Herman Miller to collect chairs; retailers to collect the chairs; third party company would collect them or customer could return them directly. 3.3 Issues facing the company and/or industry * Herman Miller international market was significant. Most of Herman Miller’s customers were multi-national; therefore, tighter environmental regulations contributed to realize that the company needed to change its sustainability approach in order to stay ahead of the industry standard. * Moving toward environmental sustainability implied to review and redesign industrial processes that would generate less toxic pollution and deplete natural resources. 3.4 Opportunities for the company * Leader of residential, office furniture and workspace design. * One of top four suppliers in the U.S. office furniture industry. * Company offered innovative good designed and high quality products. * Sustainability strategy was one of their competitive advantages. * Company stay ahead of the game by setting new industry environmental standards. 3. Problem identification and analysis The company analyzed that the way their products were designed using the cradle-to-grave process released toxic material into the environment and generated waste that could be minimized or avoided. Tighter environmental regulations help to realized that in order to stay ahead of the game, they needed to change cradle-to-grave for a cradle-to-cradle process. In 2001, Herman Miller decided to implement a design protocol on a product from beginning to end, so Mirra chair project was chosen. In order to implement C2C protocol a DfE team was formed to develop environmental evaluation measures of the new product, redesign and change processes, create a database for suppliers’ materials using the Green-Yellow-Orange-Red list criteria and establish disassembly guidelines for the new product. Engineers, supply chain managers, manufacturing associates and design consultants worked together to change their processes. Over 300 employees were trained on the new design protocol. The design process was the first one to be reviewed. During the exploration phase, designers brainstormed on the basic concept of the product and outlined high-level specifications. Once the basic design was established during the development process, the product was divided into modules and different teams were assigned to each module. Each team developed a prototype of their modules, DfE team assessed the design, following the C2C protocol for material chemistry, disassembly, recyclability and recycled content. Scorecards (See annex 1) were created and feedbacks were communicated to the development team. The final DfE assessment (Annex 2) aggregated the material chemistry, disassembly, recyclability and recycled content scores for all modules and a scorecard for the final product was entered into Herman Miller’s material database for future reference. Each case was analyzed on a case-to-case basis; a final DfE score of at least 50% was typically required for product acceptance. Calculation of weight and scores were calculated using Exhibit 5 formulas and criteria (See annex 3a and 3b). The importance of these calculations was used to perform a material evaluation assessment. If final score were below 50%, the company would find alternate components that meet C2C protocol requirements or work with suppliers to find substitute inputs or completely new material. One of the major issues was the PVC material used for the arm-pad of the chair, it was classified as â€Å"red† material, and its final DfE score was 0% because of the toxins released during its manufacturing and disposal process. PVC is known to be extremely durable, scratch resistant, formable and cheap; but it doesn’t comply with the C2C protocol. Development engineers and supply chain group preferred PVC material because it was an inexpensive material and the tooling for the PVC arm pads had already been fabricated. Thermoplastic Urethane (TPU) was identified as an alternate and suitable material that meet the same product performance as PVC. Tests showed that TPU had acceptable quality characteristics and might be even more scratch resistance than PVC; however, raw material cost of TPU was twice of PCV and increased the cost of the arm pad assembly by approximately by 30%. To switch to TPU would cost over $100K in retooling or would try to modify the PVC tool to work with TPU. Modifications of the original tool were feasible, but it was unclear whether the part quality of the TPU arm pad skins would be consistent as the PVC skins. DfE team wanted to purse the use of TPU since it complies with C2C protocol. The closing loop of the Mirra chair was another relevant issue that concerned the company. Mirra team discussed several options of how to collect the recycling the material of the chair. Three basic options for collecting the chairs were identified: 1) Herman Miller could collect the chairs itself; 2) Retailers could collect them, 3) A third party company would collect them or 4) Customers could return the chairs to Herman Miller once they finished with their useful life or wanted to upgrade to newer chair models. If Herman Miller took the responsibility of collecting the used chairs, it would have to develop logistical support for handling the products coming back to the company. 4. Recommendations Based on environmental sustainability culture and the triple-bottom-line philosophy adopted by Herman Miller, I would recommend pressing forward with TPU material, which complies with C2C design protocol and continuous improvement policy of no inventory, no waste products and no waste parts and time. The company should promote a strong â€Å"PVC-free† marketing strategy to attract a bigger market share, taking into consideration that Mirra chair would be the most advanced and complete application of C2C protocol among competitors; and the first manufacturer to offer a product of its kind. Mirra chair project should be used as a base-line to determine the future of other Herman Miller’s products. If Mirra chair demonstrates to have a higher acceptance rate among customers, increased sales and elevated overall performance; the company should consider expanding its line of â€Å"green† products; or even switching from PVC products to PVC-free products over the course of the years. It is important to make a cost-benefit analysis comparing the two materials in order to have a better picture of the pros/cons and implications of any final determination. In addition, the company should hire a third party collector in order to avoid developing further logistical support and increase the cost for handling products coming back to the company at the end of its life cycle. 5. Conclusion Herman Miller’s corporate environmental goal was stated as to â€Å"become a sustainable business – manufacturing products without reducing the capacity of the environment to provide for future generations†. Therefore, final decision of pursuing PVC or TPU should be based corporate values and policies. The company needs to evaluate the possibility of the negative impact and consequences if it decides to launch a â€Å"green† product strategy but continues to include non-environmental friendly material on its products.